Saturday, March 17, 2007

The GAY Theories -- you are one or the other!!!


When I took a class in Biology in 2004, we did the classic experiment where we grow fruit flies. And observe their behavior. Fruit flies have orgies, group orgies! Who knew? And fruit flies are in the forefront of gay gene research too. Click on the blog post title above to read about their faggotry (is this where the term fruit came from?) This theory, therefore, is The Genetic Theory.


This next theory is one that Nicole and I talk about, especially when we are out having drinks and want to draw attention to ourselves. This theory we call The Availability Theory. If no females are available, men will have gay sex with one another. The proof is in the salad. Salad tossing that is, prison sex, dropping the soap, hanging up the privacy sheet, etc. But Nicole and I have postulated an even more insidious take on The Availibility Theory. One so simple, we overlooked it for the longest time, till it smacked us in the ass.

If a loser wimp beta boy does not have a female or females available for sex, he will cross over to gay.

And most loser wimps and betas have lost sexual contact with females. Women are reserving sexual access to their bodies for 'real men' only. Unless you count creampie eating or sex with hookers. And I've heard from NF callers, the ones who have had experiences with hookers, that more than a few hookers have taken their $ and laughed at them or their peenie, left, and did not even blow them or fuck them. So even hookers are figuring out, they don't have to service losers.

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