Saturday, July 21, 2007

July's Biggest Loser of the Month! finally....


Biggest Loser of the Month!

This scanned pic is old, granted. The loser even admitted it dates back to the Mesolithic age of computers, mid-80's. He was young, and well, what a stud! The hair, the 'stache, the glasses, the edgy pose with the cigarette. His rig, check it, his rig was impressive, what is that an old 286? When that photo was taken, most likely in his paneled basement, make that his Mom's paneled basement, it was state-of-the-art, hard to imagine!

I guess he doesn't want us to see the fatter, middle-aged version of himself, or the new rig he uses to surf for porn, or give away the secret that he may still be living at home, and jerkin' it to his flatscreen monitor, in Mom's paneled basement.

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