Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Panty Bandit

In Pullman, Washington, Garth Flaherty, 24, has been charged with theft and burglary for lifting 1,613 pairs of panties, bras and other women's underwear from campus and apartment laundry rooms. Pity the poor cop who had to count all of them!

Garth pleaded guilty and was sentenced Friday to 45 days, although he may perform 30 days of community service in lieu of jailtime according to the court. Flaherty was arrested after police received a report of a suspicious man hanging out in an apartment complex laundry room. A woman noted his license plate number. And this led police to his apartment, where in his bedroom, police said, they found enough women's underwear to fill five garbage bags.

Police had previously received 12 reports of panty thefts in laundromats where Washington State University is located. "We were kind of concerned about how to match up bras and panties with victims," a police officer said. "Based on the unique descriptions from a couple of women, we can tie him to those thefts. The underwear will be held as evidence until the case is resolved, after which their disposition is uncertain. But would you really want them back?" The police officer asked, then quickly answered, "I would say not."

{Hmmm, I think this means Garth jerked into them, and wasn't just a panty sniffer....from the photo, it looks like he favored slutty thongs!}

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