Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Of Moobs and Murses

Lately, man-gay terms have been becoming more and more popular. At the club the other nite, I saw a man with a tooled leather murse (a man-purse) and a few girls giggled out "Murse Alert" as he walked by. He looked Argentinian to me. South Americans tend to carry the murses more than USofA Americans. ((To read more about what girls think of murses, click on the post title above to jump to another girl's blog.))

Let's take a look at some of the man-gay lexicon:

Moobs: man-boobs, man-titties

Murse: man purse, a purse a man carries, possibly a metrosexual accessory, possibly a dandy fag must carry certain items for which a wallet simply isn't enough. Only Indiana Jones could carry off the murse, it was where he stored his bullwhip after all

Manpris: Capri length pants for boys

Boyzilian: A Brazilian wax job for boys who need 'manscaping'

Now, let's take a closer look at one of the terms, the one that my girlfriends and I despise the most! Moobs!

My blog's resident sociologist expounds on my moobs theory:


Your remark about man boobs got me thinking. I wonder if there is a link between man boobs, or 'moobs', and penis size.....

It would seem logical that those males that have a small penis, more akin to a clit, are closer, in biological terms, to females.

Moreover, with a small penis a male invariably disappoints his partner sexually, thus inducing a tendancy to compensate by substituting intercourse and manly leisure pursuits for duties, or roles, that historically a 'real man' may not have considered. Taking sole responsibility for tasks such as cleaning, washing, ironing and shopping do very little to replicate the more physical activities (i.e. sports, manual labour and hard sex) reserved for the real men. As such, the males' pectorals are insufficiently exercised and the moobs may blossom as a result.

There would therefore seem to be tentative biological and socio-physiological grounds upon which to support the theory.

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