Sunday, July 05, 2009

Exploring Corsica...

"I saw Megan Fox on Yahoo Tuesday, sexy, yes....but I would stride right past her if I saw you out somewhere. I see you as a pretty complex woman, with layers of cynicism and idealism inside. To get to the real Sara would be like exploring... Corsica... :-) not really, well maybe. I mean the complexity of beaches w/ mountains and all that in between."

Yes, I've been 'accused' of being somewhat complex. But I rarely if ever let a man get close enough to me to explore the complexity. Sexually, yes, to men who I deem cock-worthy or fuck-worthy. But since the demise of my relationship with Cuckie Chuckie, I've taken myself out of being girlfriend-able. Fuck-able yes, girlfriend-able no.

1 comment:

peewee said...

Well, whenever you decide to be girlfriend-able, there will be plenty of cuckold-able volunteers who fully understand your need to remain fuck-able despite being boyfriend-able. If that sentence was understand-able!!