Saturday, August 13, 2011

Sara's Playroom :: Traffic Report

News, weather and traffic report? Well, not that type of traffic report. Sara's Playroom wants to thank all of my friends and admirers for taking the time to vote on the various Toplists and Topsites in the blog post below. Voting as definitely moved Sara's Playroom up, up, up in the ranks as you might have noticed if you've been voting for me. Voting gives my website more visibility on these crucial sites and more visibility means more clicks over to which potentially means more revenue for me. It's always a challenge to source traffic on the net, which is the actual traffic report I was referring to and which I'm sharing with you. After sourcing the key traffic, the next step is to convert the traffic into dollars. It sounds clinical, but it's really the primary principle of success in having a website and online biz especially with so much traffic parked on Facebook and other social networking media. So this was just a quick blog entry to want to thank you for helping me be more successful. Keep voting for Sara's Playroom! Even if you only vote on a favorite site or two on the list, every vote counts.

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