Sunday, August 03, 2008


French bullfighter, Sebastian Castella, took on a match vs. a big black bull and as is often the case, this proved to be a complete mismatch which resulted in a public shaming for le petit garcon francais. Castella's opponent used his massive horn to hit him where it hurts, leaving the defeated bullfighter a 'tiny bit' embarassed! As Castella scurried away from the conquering bull, his shame was complete as his shriveled little peepee poked out of his skewered sissy pink outfit! Big Black Bulls 1 - 0 Sissy White Frenchboys!

Hmmm, I wonder what Carla Bruni (pic in post below) would have to say about this pepto-bismol pink toreador costume and le petit champignon poking out of his pantalones! Hemingway would weep into his Mojito and moan about the sad state of his beloved macho bloodsport.

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